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At the start of the decorating process:

Christ who calls us to joy, as I/we prepare this home for the coming Advent and Christmas season, make me/us ready to meet you in our daily lives. May I/we prepare my/our heart/s as well as this home to receive the gift of grace you freely offer. I/We welcome you here to dwell alongside me/us and make a home with us here. Emmanuel, God with us, come in glory and take us to our eternal home with you. Amen.

Advent wreath:

Alpha and Omega, Lord God, World without end, as this round wreath is hung to adorn the entry of this home, may it be a sign of eternity for those who enter here. May the evergreen be a reminder that you are everlasting, the splashes of colour, that you are a giver of gifts and the bells that our hearts ring out in joyful adoration of your holy name. Amen.

Christmas lights:

Light of the world, you shine through the darkness and even the darkness is as light to you. As these Christmas lights shine out into this neighbourhood may they be signs of your light in a broken world. May they bring hope to those who are feeling hopeless and joy to those who need to be reminded of your love. May your light shine in the hearts of all who enjoy them and bring us to our eternal home with you. Amen.

Christmas tree:

Holy Trinity, One in Three, as this Christmas tree is assembled may it point us ever heavenward so that we look to you, the provider and sanctifier of life eternal. May the evergreen remind us of your promise of the new creation and the baubles of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. May the candy canes and ginger breads remind us of the blood of your cross and the spices of your burial. May the star guide us to you and the angels bring messages of good tidings to this home. May the gifts that are assembled under this tree be blessing of joy to those who give them, as well as those who receive. May this tree be a reminder of your faithful promises to be with us, Emmanuel, until the end of the age, and in the world to come. Amen.

Table setting for Christmas:

God of hospitality, bless all who will share this table. Be part of every gathering that happens here. May we entertain angels unaware and come closer to you around this setting, as our guest in this home. May the service we offer to others in this place, be a sign of your love and peace. In the name of Jesus, who shared many meals with his friends, as well as the multitude. Amen.


God of all gifts, we pause before hanging stockings to remember those who may struggle to give gifts this year, those who are unlikely to receive any presents and those who will feel sad or left out this Christmas. Please fill their hearts with your presence so that they may feel the joy of being near you, and send your servants into their lives. If I/we am/are called to be a joy bringer this Christmas, please send me/us where you would have me/us go, and equip me/us with your love. Amen.


Emmanuel, God with us. You chose to be made flesh and dwell among us. As this nativity is laid out may it serve as a reminder of your abiding presence with us, in both the pain and joy of living. Reflecting on how there was no room at the inn for you and your family and remembering all those who are homeless, may your abiding Spirit bring opportunities for transformation. I/We give you thanks for this home and invite you to make a home with us. I/ We welcome you here. Come Lord Jesus, come. Amen.

When finished decorating:

Loving God, bright morning star, please bless this home and all who will move within it during this coming season. May these decorations, which have been placed carefully throughout, serve as a reminder to all who enter herein, of your invitation to receive at Christmas the true gift of yourself. Please open the hearts of all your people to serve you, until you return at the New Creation and transform us all into your heavenly Kingdom. In the name of the one who was, who is and is to come, Christ, Emmanuel, God with us. Amen.