Home grown for us at Home
Holy Hermits has grown out of pandemic, into something that will outlive Covid-19 by the grace of God

Originally developed in response to the arrival of pandemic in March 2020 with the Anglican Parish of Bulimba, our home is at St John's Cathedral Brisbane in the Anglican Church Southern Queensland (anglicanchurchsq.org.au) Australia.

We are boundary-less and geographically free to invite people from every place, every ability and every background, to join in and live as the Body of Christ online. We are rooted in the Anglican Church tradition but are open to ecumenical partnerships and welcome members from other christian denominations too.

We have members from all around the world, joining from different time zones, experiences, cultures, ages and neurotypes. We seek to make Church accessible to all.

Who is this online church for?
Short answer - Everyone!

Including people who:

may not be seeking physical church attendance, or are unlikely to ever pass through a physical church door

live with disability and/or physical barriers for attending a local church (no pews here! - BYO comfort)

are socially vulnerable or sensitive (turning video on is completely optional!)

are neuro-diverse and appreciate the safety that the online space offers to engage and grow with others

live with chronic illness and experience periods of ill-health when they need to rest

are convalescing or rehabilitating away from their regular community and need a temporary spiritual home

are "Seekers" and find online engagement an easier step toward exploring faith and church

prefer at home or on-the-go worship to fit in with other commitments

have different hearing needs (Zoom is compatible with many hearing devices) 

have transportation barriers to getting their bodies into a church space

live rurally where their local church has closed or has irregular worship

are vulnerable to Covid and other transmissible conditions who continue to shelter at home as much as possible

live as pilgrims or travelers who don't spend long periods in just one place - they can take us with them!

have family members who are living geographically apart, so they can attend worship together

are tech enthusiasts who enjoy the online way of being and want their church to come to them

What makes Holy Hermits Online Mission special?
Many online ministries have been born during the pandemic, but few offer the same level of engagement and connection that Holy Hermits Online represents and hopes to inspire others to try.

Having the space available for those who attend to interact with one another and with the liturgy, by offering their ministry gifts, makes this community engagement unique.

With inclusivity and invitational values driving the mission, Holy Hermits Online enables people who may not have been able to exercise their ministry gifts in a physical Church setting, to function as a member of the body of Christ in an authentic and meaningful way.

By being free of building management or geographical limitations the focus of community connection and pastoral care are paramount for Holy Hermits Online.

Inspired by the Holy Hermits from our history we are encouraged by their examples to make space for God to transform our lives and the lives of those around us through us. 

Below is a downloadable poster
Please feel welcome to download and distribute to share our invitation to community

Questions & Answers

Here are some answers to common questions asked about our community

Yes! Many of our members also attend a parish church or are part of other online communities. We affectionately refer to them as 'dual-citizens'. 

We are also open to partnering with your local community so that your minister has access to our resources and other HHO members might link with your Church too. If you think you might like to have a conversation around this we have some resources which might help, including the Ministry Partners page

Online safety is our paramount reason for asking people to sign up to get our links to gather on Zoom. More info at the end of the Sign-up page or below on this About Us page.

Like many at HHO Rev'd Jamee lives with an invisible illness, so working 4 days a week is her maximum. Once we achieve sustainability we might be able to add extra clergy for a team ministry approach.

The Cathedral team is available for pastoral care and can be contacted through the Pastoral and Spiritual Care page. 

The HHO leaders can be contacted at holyhermits@anglicanchurchsq.org.au. 

At this stage the wider Church community is reflecting on if and how we could have Holy Communion Online. We are engaging in conversation as a community to see how we can add to the wider dialogue. More from the International Anglican Liturgical Consultation group can be found here: Virtual-Communion-and-the-Covid-19-Pandemic_220322_IALC.pdf (anglicancommunion.org)

Once every quater at our high feast days we celebrate Spiritual Comunion with an Agape Feast - Christmas Day, Easter Day, Pentecost and All Saints Day as well as regularly using the 'Making a Spiritual Communion Prayer' at Weekly worship during our devotions. 

Visit the Holy Hermit Remembrance | Ministry page to find out more about the Holy people who give us inspiring examples of what it means to follow Jesus while living in solitude and in community.

Pastoral care is offered via phone or Zoom call to all HHO members. See Pastoral and Spiritual Care | Help page for how to get in touch.

We encourage all our members to have a relationship with their local parish so that Eucharist, weddings, baptisms, last rites, anointing of the sick and funeral services can be conducted collaboratively with them. We also would love to partner with local parishes: check out who we are already partnering with here.


  • offer memorial services at worship online for our members and their families, see Bereavement and Remembrance ministry for more info.
  • have already done a hybrid baptism where we joined one of our members at the Cathedral via Zoom, check out Being a baptised people this Advent (anglicanfocus.org.au) for a reflection on this wonderful occasion.
  • can do renewal of wedding vows via Zoom for couples already legally married.
  • can offer prayers for the sick over the phone or Zoom as well as blessings and absolution.
  • are always open to collaborating with other congregations or clergy to be digitally present at pastoral visits. 

Celebrating our 3rd Birthday 2023

Reflecting on the first 3 years of our ministry together online and all that we have digitally built in God's name

Come as you are, Just as you are!

Some of our members talk about what they love about HHO

Reflecting on our first 6 months of ministry together - April 2021

A deeper look at who we are at HHO and how we are following the Holy Spirit's leading

An intro to HHO

Our first look at ministry together October 2020