Meet Our Leadership Team

As well as our Clergy Person and Admin officer who are employed part-time, Holy Hermits Online is led by Volunteer leaders who provide governance accountability, creative ministry planning and support for the community.

Dr Julie
  • Liturgical Assistant
  • Liturgical Assistant
  • Liturgical Assistant and Cathedral Council Rep 2024
  • Cathedral Council Rep 2024

Meet our Pastoral Care team

Pastoral care can be sought from any of the team

Meet Our Guest preachers

We give thanks for our Guest Preachers and Teachers who share their ministry gifts with our community.  

It is wonderful to have clergy and lay-preachers visit, to offer refreshment to our program of teaching, and become known to our community and we to theirs. 

The Rev'd Greg March
  • Guest Preacher
Bishop Jonathan Holland
  • Guest Preacher
The Rev'd Juliana Bate
  • Guest Preacher
The Rev'd Canon Sarah Plowman
  • Guest Preacher
Bishop Bill Ray
The Rev'd Canon Julia Van Den Bos
  • Cathedral Canon Pastor
The Rev'd Michelle Philp
  • Guest Preacher
The Rev'd Dr Ann Solari
  • Cathedral Honourary Deacon
Archbishop Jeremy Greaves
  • Guest Preacher
Dean Peter Catt
  • Dean of Cathedral
The Rev'd Dr Gemma Dashwood
  • Cathedral Honourary Assistant Curate
Archbishop Phillip Aspinall
  • Guest Preacher
The Rev'd Mary-Anne Rulfs
  • Guest Preacher
Bishop Doug Stevens
  • Guest Preacher
The Rev'd Canon Gary Harch
  • Guest Preacher
Rev'd Trevor Butler
  • Guest Preacher
Bishop John Roundhill
  • Guest Preacher
The Rev'd Claye Middleton
  • Guest Preacher
The Rev'd Lynette Dunn
  • Guest Preacher
The Rev'd Grahame Bowland
  • Guest Preacher
The Rev'd Sarah Bachelard
  • Guest Preacher, Benedictus Contemplative Church