Reflection: A meditation for Palm Sunday from Roots on the Web
'One of the aspects of being with Jesus is you never know quite what's going to happen,' said a disciple.
One of the aspects of being with Jesus is you never know quite what's going to happen.
Every day is different, and that can be both exciting and frightening, depending on your point of view.
As time moved on, Jesus spoke more and more about death.
How the Son of Man would be betrayed to the religious leaders, who would sentence him to death.
We didn't really understand back then, what he meant, or if we did we buried our heads well and truly in the sand.
It couldn't possibly happen! Not to Jesus! Could it?
So when he sent us off that day to fetch the colt, little did we realise that it was the beginning of the end, and had we, there was nothing we could have done to stop what was to become the inevitable.
The owner of the colt was a bit short with us at first, he came rushing out of his house, his face full or anger, 'Oi, what are you up to?' But when we said the words, 'The Master needs it,' his face changed completely and he was more than pleased for us to take the animal.
We took it back to Jesus and the others, put some of our cloaks on it and helped Jesus get on.
It couldn't have been very comfortable although Jesus didn't seem bothered, and we just continued our journey.
As we neared the city people must have known who Jesus was because some of them spread their cloaks on the road and began to shout, 'Praise God!' 'Praise him who comes in the name of the Lord!'
I don't know how Jesus was able to sit there knowing that in a few days time some of those people who were shouting 'Praise God!' would be shouting, 'Crucify! Crucify!'
It's amazing how fickle us humans can be, how we are swayed by the crowd!
It was getting quite late by then and by the time we had returned the colt and made our way to find Jesus and the others, out at Bethany, it was almost dark and we were ready for supper and our beds.
I slept soundly that night, but I wonder how Jesus slept, knowing what the days ahead would bring?