Thanksgiving prayer from Roots on the Web:
Some things can’t wait. Such as the need of people in this world to acknowledge and follow you, Lord. For who knows when you will return?
We give abundant thanks for everyone to whom you give the cloak of evangelism and leadership.
Our hearts overflow with thanks and praise: for our own salvation; for all who played their part in leading us to faith and nurturing us on our walk in freedom; and that we are no longer drifting in hopelessness, but secure in you.
Your Holy Spirit leads us with incomparable power, strength and wisdom. And our heart’s desire to follow where you lead, with the fruit of the Spirit ripening within us.
You have the power, Lord, to change our attitudes and our priorities.
Our hearts are full of thanks and praise for the joy we know in you and the inheritance that can never be taken from us.
Lord, we pray for others to know the same joy. Amen.