Jesus began a movement, fueled by his Spirit, a movement whose purpose was and is to change the face of the earth from the nightmare it often is into the dream that God intends. —Michael Curry
The greatest manifestation of the power of God comes when we work together to find ways to be together and do justice together and love together and stand together. —Yvette Flunder
Divine Love is not a reward for good behavior, as we first presume it to be; it is a larger Life, an energy and movement that we can participate in—and then, almost in spite of ourselves—we behave differently. —Richard Rohr
Wherever you invest your life, I hope it will be in this larger movement laboring for the birth of something new. Embrace the long view and find the deep current, the infinite flow. —Brian McLaren
“From this day, from this hour, from this minute, let us strive to love God above all, and fulfill His holy will.” Holy Hermit St Herman of Alaska