
Matthew 13.1–9, 13.18–23 ​
"Spendthrift, Scattergood!"

“Apart from the cross, there is no other ladder by which we may get to heaven.” Holy Hermit Rose of Lima

Poem: Love is Wasted

from Steve Garnaas-Holmes

Some seeds fell on the path... —Matthew 13.4

All love is wasted.

It is not a wise investment.
It is not a powerful tool.

It is given away,
without thought of profit or outcome.

Often it is swallowed up by ingratitude,
or falls into gaping wounds,

or is sown among evil and hatred
where no amount of love can succeed.

Love is wasted gladly on the unknowing,
the ungrateful, the undeserving.

Even your love of someone dear is a waste,
for their love can only be a gift, not a return.

We tread on the seeds
of divine love.

Daily we go out to sow wastefully,
scattering as much love as possible.

Unfolding Light – Daily Reflections and Worship Resources