
Job 23.1-9; 23.16-17; Psalm 22.1-15; Hebrews 4.12-16; Mark 17.17-31
Where's God in suffering?

Holy Hermit St Jerome of Stridon:

  • “Be ever engaged, so that whenever the devil calls he may find you occupied.”
  • “Good, better, best. Never let it rest. ‘Til your good is better and your better is best.”

Prayer for Christ's mercy by St Jerome

O Lord, show Your mercy to me
and gladden my heart.
I am like the man on the way to Jericho
who was overtaken by robbers,
wounded and left for dead.
O Good Samaritan, come to my aid.
I am like the sheep that went astray.
O Good Shepherd, seek me out
and bring me home in accord with Your will.
Let me dwell in Your house all the days of my life
and praise You forever and ever with those who are there.

A blessing for when you're feeling grouchy - Kate Bowler

complaining is completely underrated. How else can I be honest?

Every frustration has me spinning. And the sheer volume
and timing of each new problem
has me convinced this is a conspiracy. Are they trying to ruin this for me?

I’m trying.
I’m honestly trying here.

God, come meet me here.
Chip away at my chippiness.
Calm my racing heart.
Loosen this feeling in my chest.

Blessed are we when we notice
that the day is trending in the wrong direction.
No matter how hard we try,
the answers are not coming, and even the questions
have all trailed away.

Blessed are we when we recognize that it’s time to just stop,
find a moment alone,
And breathe.

Blessed are we,
who notice something emerging, a memory of truth revealed,
of mercy received,
a comfort, a word.

And how grateful are we
who take the first step,
and find it has its own springs.