
Exodus 34.29-35; Psalm 99; 2 Corinthians 3.12-4.2; Luke 9.28-36

Transfiguration – Unfolding Light

While Jesus was praying,
             the appearance of his face changed,
             and his clothes became dazzling white.
—Luke 9.29

He is an ordinary person,
also dazzling with light.

We are given clarity,
and also an obscuring cloud.

Jesus, no different from you,
is the Son of God.

Sometimes we see the light
that was always there.

Your neighbor, shabby looking
on Saturday morning, gleams with heaven’s radiance.

You are no one special
and everything you do matters.

It’s just bread
and also the body of God.

Creation and the end of time,
Moses and the life to come, are all present.

It’s as if we need to wear sunglasses all the time,
everything shining with God like that.