In 2024 HHO and Benedictus started conversations seeking to share the invitation to the contemplative way of being online and celebrate our ministries together in friendship.

Benedictus is an ecumenical Christian community with a practice of silent contemplative prayer at its heart.

Weekly worship service on Saturday evenings include a simple liturgy, a Scripture reading and theological reflection, music and prayer, and a 15 minute period of silent meditation. Every third week with Holy Communion.

The Benedictus service and some other activities are offered via Zoom as well as ‘in the flesh’, and these online connections are integral to the life of Benedictus.

Daily meditation and a range of other opportunities to participate in reflection, conversation and community life.

HHO joined Benedictus during the Season of Creation 2024 at Friday Evening Meditation, welcomed Rev'd Sarah as guest preacher on the 2nd week of the season at HHO Weekly Worship where she delivered this sermon: A way of seeing, a way of being, and are anticipating sharing Sabbath Month in January and July of 2025 alongside Benedictus.

To find out more about Benedictus' regular groups and community engagement, go to the Groups and Community pages. News of upcoming Quiet Days, seminars and other events can be found under the heading, At the Waterhole.

Benedictus is an independent church and a not-for-profit incorporated association. The Constitution and 2023 Director’s Report are available and you can read more of their story and unfolding journey in their Pastoral Letters.