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From today, 30th June 2024, we invite you to take part in our 2024 Community Survey.  

This is your opportunity to share your thoughts and feedback on Holy Hermits Online community life. Tell us what is helpful for your faith, what you enjoy about being with us, and what direction we can discern together to flourish further as we grow.  

Your responses will greatly help us in discerning our next steps with the Holy Spirit, allowing us to pause and reflect on who we are as a community, and who God is calling us to become. 

How do I get to the survey?

You will have received a link in the regular Sunday email, sent out on 30th June 2024. Please email us at if you need the link sent to you again. 

How long will the survey take to complete? 

We estimate the survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete, with 20 questions to respond to. Put the kettle on and settle in with a cuppa! 

Is the survey completely confidential and anonymous? 

We take your privacy very seriously and assure you that everything you say in the survey is completely confidential and anonymous.

This survey has been created using Google Forms, which allows responses to be collected without requiring any personal information such as names or email addresses. We will not be able to see who submitted what, in any way – so do feel confident to speak the truth in love.  

When does the survey close? 

The survey will be open for three weeks, before closing on 21st July 2024 – which happens to be our Pajama Sunday service, if that helps you remember the closing date! 

What are the next steps after the survey closes? 

We will be in touch again after the survey closes to share insights and outcomes with you and see how the Spirit is moving in our midst. 

A prayer to use when completing the survey 

As with everything that we do, praying before and after completing the survey could be a good idea, to see how the Holy Spirit is moving within you in response to this call.   

We offer you this prayer for you to use if you would like to: 

Loving God, please speak into my heart as I prepare to reflect on my faith community and the various ministries you have called me to be part of. Please enable me to discern what you are gifting me in this process. I open myself to hear your voice in this time we are spending together... (Pause and listen) 

Thank you for abiding with me and guiding my steps. In the name of Jesus I close my prayer. Amen. 

Thank you in advance for your support of this Community Survey. Your honest feedback will help us to discern next steps as we move forward together in our fourth year of online mission.  

If you have any further questions, please email us at