Holy Hermit Sr Maria Boulding:
"Prayer is a listening to the creative, life-giving word that loves us into being"
"Flesh is the turmoil of times of change. Flesh is the opaque, ambiguous, messy character of most of our human experience. And flesh is precisely where the paschal mystery operates."
"In today's world silence is in short supply; this is a serious problem for our society, and anything we can do to help people recover a sense of silence as a necessary and positive element in human life is a contribution to the general sanity."
"Nevertheless, they are hard to live through, these winters of the spirit.
When you know yourself to be sterile, helpless, unable to deal creatively with your situation or change your own heart,
you know your need for a Savior, and you know what Advent is.God brings us to these winters, these dreary times of deadness and emptiness of spirit,
as truly as he brings winter after autumn, as a necessary step towards next spring.
But while we are in them they feel like a real absence of God, or our absence from God…In the winters of your prayer, when there seems to be nothing but darkness and a situation of frozenness, hold on, wait for God.
God will come."