Our cross-cultural three-year partnership, forms a cohort of clergy and laity from the Episcopal Diocese of Texas to experiment bravely with digital outreach.
Learnings from inhabiting the online ministry space, are being offered to those who would like to try mission using the vehicle of technology between now and 2026.
Register your interest below, to get email updates and be the first to know when enrolments are open!
Group Zoom session every Thursday 6.00-7.30pm
Coaching circles Monday and Tuesday on rotation 6.00-7.00pm
October 16th > November 20th 2025
During break we will remain connected via our platform, app chat and with an open invitation to come along to HHO events.
January 8th > February 12th 2026
1 week break of coaching for AshWed – resume Mon/Tues circles 2nd week of Lent
End of experiments: Easter Day April 5th
Plans for the future end April 2026.