Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised that the event description below contains the name of a person who has died. The event may contain the name and image of a person who has died.
'Mystics, Theologians and God-botherers' takes place on the first Sunday of the month at Evensong (6.00pm AEST). It is a hybrid event, taking place in person at St John's Cathedral, online over Zoom, and livestreamed over YouTube.
Down the ages there have been those who enlighten us with a fresh vision of God. These are the voices that stir our imaginations; shake our comfortable perceptions and whose lives witness to the Spirit in their time.
In this series, we seek to revisit the teachings of some of those who have shaped our tradition in radical ways and see how they may speak afresh to us today.
In March, our guest speaker Bishop Bill Ray explores the life and legacy of Bishop Arthur Malcolm – the first Aboriginal Bishop in the Anglican Church of Australia.
From Bishop Bill Ray:
In my young days the Ray family worshipped at a small country Church with land around the Church. One Sunday we were told that Captain Arthur from the Church Army was leading the service. Captain Arthur arrived on a very polished motorbike that certainly caught the attention of the males. After the service he produced a ball and we enjoyed a short ball game. Captain Arthur had a great way of sharing stories from Scripture and encouraging young people.
Bishop Arthur Malcolm (1934 - 2022) was the first Aboriginal Bishop in the Anglican Church of Australia and was a much loved Assistant Bishop of North Queensland. He was also the first National Bishop of our Church.
Over the years our path crossed. When I was elected Bishop of North Queensland Bishop Arthur, as he was known then, was a great inspiration and help to me.
Bishop Arthur’s contribution to the life of the Church is still relevant and his influence on peoples’ faith is evident across the community.
Hear more from Bishop Bill at the March event.
This event will be held in person in the Cathedral, over YouTube and Zoom. Choral Evensong will be in person at 6pm in the Cathedral and will also be accessible on our YouTube channel. From about 7.10pm we join together in person in the Cathedral or via Zoom to share a discussion with Bishop Bill over refreshments. All are welcome to join.
To join via Zoom, use either this Zoom link (video/audio) or your phone - (07) 3185 3730, enter Meeting ID: 768 010 419#, Passcode: 267366# and then Participant ID: #.