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Rev'd Grahame Bowland (he/him) is a recently ordained priest, currently serving as Assistant Curate in the hills on the outskirts of Perth, Western Australia. Grahame also works in the Episcopal Office of the Diocese of Perth in the area of digital mission.

Prior to ordination, Grahame was a software engineer: he thought he’d hung up his keyboard, but the Church had other ideas, which has turned out to be a great blessing.

Grahame is excited to foster connections between community and church, and church and community, grounded in hospitality in the Benedictine tradition. Through this lens, he is currently working to establish a collaboration between the Bibbulmun Track and the parishes of Kalamunda-Lesmurdie and Albany, to serve those people who walk this famous 1000km track (which is often undertaken with a spiritual intention.)

Grahame has also been considering the ‘digital ecclesiology’ of the Diocese of Perth, and ways in which it could be made more distinctively Anglican. As part of this work he has helped to develop a new app for the Diocese of Perth. You can download the app here: Anglican Church of Perth

Please pray for Rev'd Grahame as he joins us for worship in June and prepares to preach in our midst:

Lord Jesus, when you speak there is light and life. Please speak through our guest preachers, especially Grahame, as he offers ministry gifts to our community. Holy Spirit, please inspire him in preparation and in delivering the sermon. Creator, make us ready to welcome him back and hear your word spoken through him. We ask these things in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.