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  • I watch the television news in the evening before serving and read the morning newspaper headlines that day. I also try to be online at 8.45am each week to keep up with community news.
  • Before logging on I say the words 'May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be now and always acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and redeemer.'
  • Obviously, you need to watch for new people coming online while listening to a person speaking. Try to express empathy for a person's situation. For example, 'I am sorry you are unwell.'
  • I try to have in mind something to ask if everyone goes quiet. The weather and pets are always a good topic.
  • I have a clock in my sight and as it nears 9.00am, I check we have all the servers for that day online before handing over to the Leader. 

If you are interested in giving being the HHO Welcomer a try, we would love to have you on board.


You can read more about the Welcomer role at the Weekly Worship | Ministries page: Welcomer tips.pdf