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Our theme for 2024 is: Silence 

“Nothing in all creation is so like God as silence” – Meister Eckart 

As we wind down our year of exploring silence, you are invited to explore other traditions and their experiences and ideas about silence.

We have no set book for the last session, but instead have a suggested list of internet articles that start to move our exploration beyond Christianity.

This could include looking at our Jewish brothers and sisters practice of silence, which are a part of our heritage too: The Sound of Silence | Bamidbar | Covenant & Conversation | The Rabbi Sacks Legacy

Other expressions of Silence in the Abrahamic faiths, like from the perspective of Islam: Silence as a Means of Spiritual Enlightenment | Message International

Some of the eastern faith traditions which value silence and meditation from a Buddhist perspective: The Power of Silence – Religions for Peace Australia

And an especially rich perspective of silence from First Nations Australia: Dadirri - Miriam Rose Foundation

You are invited to engage with the above or explore other podcasts/books/articles etc on practices relating to silence and bring that experience to our next discussion.

Please feel welcome to share any resources you find and enjoy, either by emailing them in to feature below on this page, or via our 3D Dialogue chat group (sign up for info). 

In exploring beyond Christianity we suggest keeping these key questions in mind:

  • In your exploration of other traditions what practice or insight resonates with you? What challenges or jars?
  • How is this tradition’s idea of silence different to what I have experienced through Christian resources? How is it similar?
  • How does this tradition expand the idea or experience of silence for you?

From your exploration of different traditions approaches to silence contemplate:

  1. What was one gift for you?
  2. What surprised you?
  3. What will you enfold into your practice of silence?

In our practice of encouraging you to embrace the experiential, we offer this exercise, "Entering the Silence," based upon a practice of the Seneca (Native American) nation:

Close your eyes. Breathe out three times.
Listen and hear the Silence . . .
Listen and see the Silence . . .
Listen and taste the Silence . . .
Listen and smell the Silence.
Breathe out one time.
Listen and embrace the Silence.
When you are finished, open your eyes.

From: Silence | Spiritual Literacy | Spirituality & Practice (


Our Biographical work we contemplates in August was What Makes You Come Alive: A Spiritual Walk with Howard Thurman: Lerita Coleman Brown. 

We began our year with Holy Hermit Thomas Merton’s (New) Seeds of Contemplation as our Classic. 

The Modern work we contemplated in May: Invitation to Solitude and Silence: Experiencing God's Transforming Presence : by Ruth Hayley Barton.  

Other resources can be found down the page - look below the sign up box!

Sign-up for links below or on the 3D Dialogue | Ministries page.

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Email links are sent a few days before the gatherings and other resources from time to time.

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Below are some extra resources for doing even deeper with the divine in 2024

As the year progresses, we will share other books, podcasts, videos and relevant media from a range of faiths exploring our chosen media so those who wish can explore further.

Lerita Coleman Brown on Howard Thurman’s Legacy

From Centre for Action and Contemplation > Richard Rohr's Daily Meditations

Online Conversation | Invitation to Solitude and Silence, with Ruth Haley Barton

Music for cultivating silence

Curated by one of our members of the 3D Dialogue
