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One of the daughters of King and Saint Brychan of Brycheiniog in Wales, Endelienta (Cenheidlon in Welsh) crossed the Bristol Channel to join her siblings in evangelising North Cornwall. She eventually settled in a hermitage near Trenteny, living a very austere life with only a cow for company and the water from two wells.

Unfortunately her cow was killed by the Lord of Trenteny when it strayed on his land. When Endelienta’s godfather, King Artur, heard of this, he sent his son to kill Lord Trenteny. It is said that Endelienta was so upset by this, that she restored both Lord Trenteny and her cow back to life.  

Endelienta had a vision of her death, so she instructed that on her passing, her body was to be lain in a cart, and that unguided oxen were to take it wherever they liked. She was martyred on 29th April, possibly by Saxon pirates, in the mid 6th century. Her body was taken by the oxen according to her wishes to the top of a hill where she was buried and a church built in her honour. 

A prayer:

Holy Spirit, we give you thanks for the life and example of Endelienta, a Hermit who had enormous trust in you. As she encourages us to go with the flow of your life guiding presence, may we be reminded of the great love you have entrusted us to bear for our fellow creatures. When we witness to your Gospel with those around us may they be struck by our own trust in your purposes and goodness. Amen.


Saint Endelienta - Wikipedia

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