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We will spend our journey through Lent this year focused on Art, companioned by one of our beloved Holy Hermits, Sr Wendy Beckett who said:

"Looking at art is one way of listening to God."   

"All great art is a visual form of prayer."   

"Art that is not specifically religious expresses this truth: if we do not see the Lord everywhere, however unconsciously, we shall find it hard to recognize Him when we look into His face at prayer time."   

"We know great art by its effect on us. If we are prepared to look without preconceptions, without defenses, without haste, then art will change us."   

We will use the resource: The Art of Lent by Sr Wendy in our sessions together, spending 30minutes reflecting on one of the artworks from that week.

We will then play with AI art generator Padlet together to create our own expression of the work for 30minutes.

See Digital Faith Artists ministry page for tutorials of how to use the platform if you would like to have a go on your own device. The screen share will be facilitated for everyone who chooses not to use their own device. 

The gallery of the digital artworks we create together each week will feature below the sign up form on this page > Scroll down!

You do not have to purchase the book!

The reflection and a single artwork will be shared each week in the session.

You can come as you are, with no reading or homework outside of our study time together.

If you would like to purchase the book, you can get a hard copy or Kindle version here: The Art Of Lent: A Painting A Day From Ash Wednesday To Easter : Sister Wendy Beckett

Also available from Koorong online or in store: The Art of Lent: A Painting a Day From Ash Wednesday to Easter | Koorong

Or a Kobo Ebook from here: The Art of Lent eBook by Sister Wendy Beckett - EPUB | Rakuten Kobo Australia

If you don't already get our study emails on a Wednesday and would like to join in, sign up below.

You might also like to look at Sr Wendy's other little art reflection book: The Art of Holy Week and Easter: Meditations on the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus - Sister Wendy

Sign up for Weekly Study Emails

You will get an email each Wednesday the study is on with info and the Zoom link to join. Please note our Safeguarding practices and expectations for behavior in our community at the Help page. By signing up you agree to abide by these practices.

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Session 1 - Reflecting on "The Return of the Prodigal Son" By Rembrandt

The art we created together to reflect the parable as told in Luke 15:11-32

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Session 2 - Reflecting on "The Tower of Babel" c1563 by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

The art we created together to reflect the story told in Genesis 11:1-9

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Session 3 - Reflecting on "St Catherine of Alexandria" by Raphael c.1507

The art we created together to reflect the story of Martyr and Bride of Christ St Catherine of Alexandria

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