We are using the HHO app to pray together via the Prayer Wall, where community members can post prayer requests, commit to praying alongside others, and offer prayerful comments. You can download the App on both andriod or apple devices by clicking this link: https://tithely.app.link/holy-hermits-online or by scanning the QR code featured on our news page Our New App!.

If you would like to join the Prayer Group send out list to get updates (sent sporadically every so often), and join in our prayer meetings, please use the below contact form and take note of our Code of Conduct to help manage expectations of behaviour in our community life together.

Check out the below video tutorials with tips on how to post on the prayer wall, asking permission before naming someone else, how to compose a prayer while keeping it relavent and up to date.

Compline - Prayer at the end of the day

Commitment prayers
Written by our community and prayed in rotation

People in need

God who gives shelter, we give thanks for opportunities to offer support and prayers for those that are struggling at this time to put a permanent roof over their heads and to shelter those they love.​​

Please shine a light on homelessness for the people and animals experiencing this and provide a way for homes to be found and others to help, especially governments and churches.​​

Please protect all living rough and give safety and security to families and young people, and those who are supporting them.​​

Please help us channel and inspire the hospitality that Jesus and his followers sought and encouraged in their day, and especially strengthen those already offering this ministry.​​

Awaken compassion in the hearts of all people to reach out with a loving hand. When we feel disheartened by this unfolding situation, please refocus our energies to keep praying and finding small ways to help so we don't feel so overwhelmed.​​

Usher in a wave of change for systems to be transformed and ways made for large scale transformation. Amen.​​

Companion animal

Creator God, we give thanks for your call to develop a Companion Animal Ministry at Holy Hermits Online. 

We ask for your grace to guide us, as we build this ministry together. 

Holy Spirit we ask your presence to be with us as we continue to develop resources together in this new season.  

Provide us with wisdom and with compassion and with a sense of fun as we celebrate our companion animals and live this mission to outreach. 

Alongside Holy Hermit St. Francis, we ask you Lord Jesus Christ, to enliven us in this ministry space. 


Lay Ministry

God of love, pour out your Holy Spirit on our lay ministry at Holy Hermits Online.

Bless those who offer their ministry gifts as cantors, readers, prayer writers, Liturgical Assistants, lay leaders, service prep team members, broadcasters, proof-readers, welcomers, tech supporters, fellowship leaders, the ministry task-groups and helpers in any way. We pray each one feels encouraged to continue serving you.

Give courage to those who hear your voice and offer their ministry gifts so that they too can serve you in the future.

Thank you for your rich blessings on our community.

In Jesus' name we pray. 


Deliverance​ Ministry Team

Come Holy Spirit and make the hearts of your servants, Reverend Claye and the deliverance ministry team, your dwelling place and home. ​May darkness be dispelled by your light, and troubles calmed by your peace. ​​

Lord Jesus, we ask that you protect, guide and strengthen them, and all whom they encounter. ​​Give them courage, ability, wisdom and discernment. ​​

Surround them with sound advice and support, that they may have insight and discretion. ​​Drawing on the Holy Spirit may they be strong in vocation and trust in you. ​​

We pray for those in need of healing and their ongoing relationship with you, as they journey towards the fullness and freedom of eternal life. ​May all evil and pain be transformed through the suffering of Christ and all dying glorified by your risen life. 


EDOT Partnership

Holy Trinity, source of all creativity, mission and pioneering partnerships,

Please encourage and inspire us as we partner with the Episcopal Diocese of Texas and the Mission Amplification Team to establish a mutually successful collaboration with Holy Hermits Online.

We pray that you will provide encouragement to the leaders and organisers of our mission, in the partnership phases which we fluidly move through building foundations, creating resources and experimenting bravely.

We look forward to making new friends and connections over this next exciting time of ministry and outreach together. Please prepare us to open our hearts to our brothers and sisters in Texas and beyond. We especially look forward to welcoming and loving all companion animals across each end of our beautiful world and sharing our Companion Animal and other ministries from our community life.

O God, you have made of one blood all the peoples of the earth and sent your son to preach peace to those who are far off and to those who are near: grant that people everywhere may seek after you and find you in our online communities. Please help us find the remote, the lonely, the sick and the sad that need your help and your heavenly word. 

Raise up more people in your worldwide church to pray and to work, to care and to understand, to give to you and to go for you, that your church may grow, your will be done, your kingdom come, and your glory be revealed; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

​In times of Natural Disaster

All things look to you, O Lord, to give them their food in due season: look in mercy on your people, and hear our prayer for those whose lives and possessions have been affected by natural disaster.

We ask that all our first responders, volunteers and emergency service workers be given strength and care, rest and recuperation.

We uphold the vulnerable ones, children and animals, people living rough and in financial distress; that they be given courage and the appropriate support.

Please empower community groups and organisations as they step up. Encourage neighbours as they look out for one another. Inspire communities to support and resource animal organisations as they offer sanctuary and care for displaced animals—domestic, farm and wild.

Give courage to all who work in ongoing trauma recovery; support workers, doctors, nurses, social workers, psychologists, veterinarians, counselling services, chaplains, clergy and local ministers. May they be enabled to sustain good self-care practices, access resources, find strength and resilience, peace and rest.

May all who suffer survivor guilt, be compassionate towards themselves and find grace in you. Holy Spirit please gently lead their energy into prayer, loving service and gratitude, so they can experience and share peace.   

We entrust the rebuilding efforts into your care Lord. May the resources needed become available, the trades people offering their skills be honest and diligent.

We hold before you Lord, local council and governments especially politicians and leaders as they represent people and places. Give them inspiration, wisdom and discernment.

In your mercy restore your creation and heal our lands, air and waterways, regenerate all that has been destroyed and inspire people to help with that new growth and restoration.

So guide and bless your people, that we may enjoy the fruits of the earth and give you thanks with grateful hearts, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Adapted from: A Prayer Book for Australia Prayers for Various Occasions—Prayer #12 p.205. At HHO Weekly Worship fellowship 7th January 2024.
Prayer for Archbishop Jeremy

Loving God,
bless Jeremy, now called to be Archbishop of Brisbane;
fill him with your truth, and clothe him with holiness,
that he may preach your word, and care for your people;
Give him compassion and wisdom,
Sustain him with your Spirit and inspire him with vision.
We ask in the name of the one who calls,
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 

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Video Tutorials

How to use our Prayer Wall

Prayer Wall Tip #1 - get consent!

Prayer Wall Tip # 2 - how to compose prayer

Prayer Wall Tip # 3 - Keeping it relevant