During the month of October we will be exploring the Being Together rule for living in community, which we have adopted as part of our Code of Conduct (Below) for being an online community.
Below this text is the downloadable study resource on the Being Together ethos, which is split up into helpful reflection sessions.
We will be pondering the first few questions of each of the study sessions in our worship during October to stimulate reflection. In the future we also hope to use this resource for a seasonal study group to work through together.
Jesus told us to love one another as he loves us.
As Christians we know our life together is strengthened when our behaviour is consistent with our faith. However, our experience of being together as Christians can be difficult, particularly when there are differences. So, it is important to be clear about how we will behave towards each other.
As a community we value the wellbeing of others, encourage each other to participate in the life of the church, and will consider the impact of our behaviour on others.
As we relate to each other we will treat each other with respect and dignity, regardless of ability, gender, sexuality, race, age or contribution to the church and act with integrity and honesty in our interactions.
We will communicate respectfully with others and in no way threaten, belittle or humiliate but speak with integrity and honesty – refraining from speculation and gossip.
We acknowledge that we are all different, created in God’s image.
Therefore, we will respect those who are different from us and not isolate or ridicule them, and we will listen to and seek to understand the beliefs, opinions and practices of others, even when we do not share their views.
Resolution 45/14 of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Australia 2014 “Being Together”