It is with deep gratitude for the Hermitage Care Group and how it has served our community during our first two years of being together online, that we now discern it is time to release this as a formal HHO ministry.
It is so important that we do beginnings and endings well as a community, and so we intentionally mark this moment in our growth with gratitude for what this ministry has been and meant to us. It is clear that God has used this space to build relationships and provide extra opportunity for connection as we grew to where we find ourselves now.
We will also acknowledge the end of this ministry at worship on Sunday the 21st of August with special prayers.
Please do continue to put energy into the relationships which may have formed as a result of this ministry - they are a gift to us as a whole, as well as to those who participate in them.
If you are looking for a different way to engage with others in community and are not already part of the Whatsapp Prayer Group then that might be a good place to sign up for.
We are also going deeper with our Cathedral partnership and are promoting three Zoom spaces which are available each week:
A prayer to aid us in letting go and remaining open for what God invites us to next:
God of the journey, remind us that in letting go we open to new experiences and adventures. Help us to trust that you are our companion, guiding and inspiring us on new routes, and challenging us to grow amid change.Amen.