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Every week at worship we uphold our ministry partners in prayer.

But how many of our members know how our partners support us in our ministry or even who they are?

Here is the list and let's tell the story of each so that we can give thanks for our partnerships:

  • St John's Cathedral Brisbane 
  • The Episcopal Diocese of Texas, and the Mission Amplification Team
  • The Anglican Diocese of Southern Queensland 
  • Benedictus Contemplative Church, Canberra
  • Anglican Focus
  • St Gabriel's Carindale

St John's Cathedral Brisbane

In April of 2021 Holy Hermits Online and St John's Cathedral Brisbane entered a special ministry partnership.

St John's is our host and home where we outreach from. Rev'd Jamee is licensed as an Associate Priest of the Cathedral and we have two HHO Cathedral Council reps to help connect our communities.

There are many online ministries of the Cathedral which are available to our HHO community and vice versa. We feature many of these on our Events pages, like: The Journey, Morning Prayer with the Cathedral, Cuppa with the Cathedral, Meditation with the Cathedral, Saints on a Mission, Mystics, Theologians and God-botherers.

The Cathedral pastoral team is available to HHO members for conversations around faith and life, spiritual matters and prayer. More info and how to reach out here: Pastoral and Spiritual Care | Help | Holy Hermits Online

You may also like to sign up to recieve Cathedral weekly news emails and updates. You can do that by getting in touch with the Cathedral's Community Development Coordinator, Judy Fay, who may be contacted by email or by phone on 3835 2222.

The monthly notices are always downloadable from the COMMUNITY page on the Cathedral Website.

The Episcopal Diocese of Texas, and the Mission Amplification Team

In April 2023 Holy Hermits Online (HHO) and St John’s Cathedral entered a new partnership with the Episcopal Diocese of Texas (EDOT) Mission Amplification Team.

More on the partnership can be found on this news page: A new partnership is born! | The Episcopal Diocese of Texas | Holy Hermits Online

Here is the EDOT website: Welcome | Episcopal Diocese of Texas (

As part of our partnership we spent time listening to the culture and digital missional needs of EDOT.

We discerned that running a course for clergy and lay people where we share our learnings from the online space would be key.

Building this course has been the focus of our creative energy over the last year and we are preparing to launch registrations in April 2025.

There are still a series of Telling Our Story recording sessions coming up where you can come and join in the recording of video footage for our program modules. Testimonials are also welcome in other formats. See March2025 Testimonial Template Mod5.pdf as an example.

The course will be offered from October 2025 and you can learn more here: EDOT Digital Mission Cohort

EDOT supports other Missional Communities as well as HHO, affirming that:

Missional communities are spiritual and relational outposts for those that cannot, or will not, participate in a traditional expression of Church.


“Missional communities exist when we participate in God’s mission of reconciliation beyond the walls of the church through relationships and worship.”

The Anglican Diocese of Southern Queensland 

As well as being where St John's Cathedral Brisbane is located, the Anglican Diocese of Southern Queensland supports HHO's outreach in a number of ways.

Many clergy give their time to be our guest preachers, joining us online for weekly worship and sharing a message with us (featured on our Sermons page). Their parishes may be offering creative solutions for their clergy to become available for this and so are aware and supportive of our ministry.

Our Bishop's have committed to pray for HHO's mission. Archbishop Jeremy often shares about HHO through his channels. Like in his Archbsihop's New Year Message 2024.

The PMC (Parishes and Other Mission Agencies Commission) covered our budget shortfall during our first 6 months of start up and continues to support us in occasional one off grants. You can check out their resources at: Home - faithful + effective (

Our Teams space, where we are beginning to collaborate more and more together, is hosted by the diocese, which also supplies great support through the Communities Liason officer, who often gives us help with tech. Thanks Kelly!

Our safeguarding practices are maintained through the Diocese, as well as our work place health and safety. Thanks Michael!

Benedictus Contemplative Church, Canberra

In 2024 HHO and Benedictus started conversations seeking to share the invitation to the contemplative way of being online and celebrate our ministries together in friendship.

Benedictus is an ecumenical Christian community with a practice of silent contemplative prayer at its heart.

Weekly worship service on Saturday evenings include a simple liturgy, a Scripture reading and theological reflection, music and prayer, and a 15 minute period of silent meditation. Every third week with Holy Communion.

The Benedictus service and some other activities are offered via Zoom as well as ‘in the flesh’, and these online connections are integral to the life of Benedictus.

Daily meditation and a range of other opportunities to participate in reflection, conversation and community life.

HHO joined Benedictus during the Season of Creation 2024 at Friday Evening Meditation, welcomed Rev'd Sarah as guest preacher on the 2nd week of the season at HHO Weekly Worship where she delivered this sermon: A way of seeing, a way of being, and are anticipating sharing Sabbath Month in January and July of 2025 alongside Benedictus.

To find out more about Benedictus' regular groups and community engagement, go to the Groups and Community pages. News of upcoming Quiet Days, seminars and other events can be found under the heading, At the Waterhole.

anglican focus

anglican focus is the news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland and promotes us regularly. You can check out all the articles published on us here Holy Hermits Online (

St Gabriel's Carindale Parish

St Gabriel's is sharing the invitation to online community with us by featuring us on their website. 
We can gladly commend St Gab's for any of our local HHO members who are looking to attend in person worship services as well. You can check them out some more at: Ministry and Outreach — Saint Gabriel's Anglican Church ( not only powers our website and app, but also offered us our first 12 months for free ChMs (Church Management Software) where we safely store our membership data base and generate our communications. You can check it out here: Church Management Software - Build Healthy Churches! (ChMS) |

EDOT Partnership Prayer
Composed by the ministry task group in 2023

Holy Trinity, source of all creativity, mission and pioneering partnerships, 

Please encourage and inspire all involved in the partnership with the Episcopal Diocese of Texas and the Mission Amplification Team, Holy Hermits Online and St John’s Cathedral Brisbane, to establish a mutually successful collaboration. 

We pray that you will provide encouragement to the leaders and organisers of this online mission, in the various phases which the partners will fluidly move through building foundations, creating resources and experimenting bravely together. 

May new friendships and connections flourish over this next exciting time of ministry and outreach together. May all hearts be opened and sustained by your Love in Brisbane, Texas and beyond. May we find new ways of being Church together, and meet you in the virtual space. 

O God, you have made of one blood all the peoples of the earth and sent your Son to preach peace to those who are far off and to those who are near: grant that people everywhere may seek after you and find you in our online communities. May the remote, the isolated, the sick, the travelers, the dual-citizens and the seekers, be gathered to form community together using the vehicle of technology.  

Raise up more people in your worldwide church to pray and to work, to care and to understand, to give to you and to go for you, that your church may grow, your will be done, your kingdom come, and your glory be revealed; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.