Video link and reflection questions:
1. What does Hope in faith mean to you?
2. Does Qavah resonate with you? Tense anticipation…
3. How have you anticipated God’s plans for you in your life before?
4. What do you do while you wait?
5. How does the resurrection of Jesus bring Elpis to your life? Transforming hope…
6. What relationship does the Church have with Hope? How do each of us feel called to contribute to that?
7. How can we wait/choose to wait for God’s future with Hope?
Video Link and reflection questions:
1. What does peace mean to you?
2. Does the idea of Shalom, wholeness and wellbeing, resonate with you?
3. How have you experienced Shalom in practice?
4. When thinking about restored relationship or the healing of broken pieces between us and God, what comes up for you?
5. How do you receive the Eirene Jesus offers each of us?
6. As the Body of Christ on earth how is peace lived out through the Church?
7. What might God be asking you to work on so that you live in greater peace?
Video link and reflection questions:
1. How do you experience Joy?
2. Does the idea of Joy in sorrow resonate with you?
3. When thinking about reaching out for the Joy of our eternal future and living in that joy here and now, how do you feel?
4. What does sharing Joy in the Good News look like for you?
5. How do we share in Joy at Church?
6. How can you choose to rejoice at all times, even when suffering?
7. How is God calling you to rejoice and live in Joy today?
Video Link and reflection questions:
1. What does love mean to you?
2. What comes up for you when you consider Jesus’ love for us?
3. How do you receive God’s love in your life?
4. When thinking about loving others the way God has loved us, what occurs to you?
5. How has and/or what does, selfless love look/feel like to you?
6. How can we contribute to the ecosystem of love?
7. How is God calling you to Love today?