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We invite practicing spiritual directors and those interested in contemplation.

Drawing on great mystical classics from the Western and Orthodox traditions, in this Mystic Heart formation offering, we will explore the Christian tradition of mystical union, delving into language such as the prayer of union, transformation of the soul in God, the unitive way, ecstatic union, mystical marriage, oneing, living in Christ, Trinitarian indwelling, boundless fulfilment, beatific vision, and deification.

In particular we will focus on the naturally kenotic nature of contemplative prayer and the nuances of language such as yielding, surrendering, releasing, descending, emptying, voiding, abandoning, pouring and flowing. Attention will also be given to the sacred role of suffering in this transformingunion. In communion, within a trustworthy sacred space, we will expand and deepen our emphasis on the nuances of the transformation of consciousness that occur through contemplation.

Attention will be given to how spiritual directors may facilitate, in the spiritual direction encounter, the dissolving of binary thought patterns that compartmentalize ways of knowing, awaken new sensitivities to the touchings of Spirit, fine tune the artistry of discernment, and support the one praying in surrendering into an ever deepening and expanding, evolving, oneing in Love.

The retreat will be offered both face-to-face at Santa Casa, Queenscliff and online. For more information about the course see over the page. To register, please go to

This two day offering will begin on Saturday August 10th at 9.00 am and finish on Sunday August 11th August at 5.00 pm. The cost for face to face will be $825.00. For those who wish to attend online, the cost will be $425.00. For further information about the beautiful Santa Casa retreat house, go to