What is a retreat and why might you like to experience one?
When we talk of entering a retreat we mean setting aside time from our normal daily life to allow space for us to relate more deeply to ourselves, in particular to our deep authentic selves. In doing this we become more deeply embedded in a sacred pace where we may meet with God, the divine space within all of us, the place of communion.
We spend time in silence so that we may listen to God’s invitations and experience profound awareness of God’s presence. In the chaos of life as it is for most of us this spaciousness may be hard to find and to prioritise as high on our ‘to do’ list.
Our inner spiritual life needs feeding in the same way that our physical body needs food. To take this special time in retreat gives nourishment, enlivens and directs our spiritual journey.
We experience comfort and encouragement in the growing intimacy with God in this mysterious place of quietness and peace. Our soul rests whilst catching up with all that is integral to our lives just as we are experiencing it moment by moment. This is an opportunity to restore balance between the inner and outer spheres of human life.
Retreat is not a place to struggle or strive for achievement, a place of trying to ‘get there’ but place of stillness and openness to whatever comes. A place to breathe and relax in the presence of God, an intentional turning towards the sacred.
During a retreat there will usually be some input in the form of short presentations with a theme to inspire reflection also music and periods of personal reflection time where silence is kept. There is no requirement to sit in silence during these times, it can be helpful to take physical exercise, to write, draw, paint, be creative, rest or sleep. To be open to whatever comes to you is the attitude to adopt and to keep the momentum of silence on all levels of your being.
Re-treat, Another way of looking at the word retreat.
Treat yourself to the joy of uninterrupted time and dialogue with God. Touch the wonder of your creation as a beloved child of God’s love for you.
I weave a silence onto my lips
I weave a silence into my mind
I weave a silence into my heart
I close my ears to distractions
I close my eyes to attractions
I close my spirit to temptations
Enfold me Lord in your peace