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The Eighty-Second Synod of the Diocese of Brisbane will commence on Friday 27 June 2025 with the Service of Holy Communion in St John’s Cathedral at 7.00 pm at which the Synod Sermon will be delivered.

This will be streamed live on the Cathedral YouTube Channel and be availabe for viewing there afterwards as a video.

Synod will continue Saturday 28 June and Sunday 29 June 2025 in Morris Hall, Anglican Church Grammar School, Oaklands Parade, East Brisbane.

Please pray for this important gathering in the life of our diocese, for all clergy, synod reps, diocesan staff and the synod arrangements committee, that we will have fruitful and life-giving opportunities in this governance space for our ministries:

Almighty and everliving God,

give wisdom and understanding,

to the members of the Synod of this Diocese

Teach us in all things

      to seek first your honour and glory.

May we perceive what is right

      have courage to pursue it

      and grace to accomplish it,

through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen