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Who is The Journey for?  
Those considering confirmation;  
Those who want to become an Anglican;  
Those wanting to discern some future direction for their life;
Those interested in unpacking the faith. 

What is the process?
The Christian faith is a way of life. Entering into a way of life requires reflection.
Christians are people who seek to live out the way of love.

We seek to follow Jesus who, in his own life, demonstrated that we were made by God, who is love, for love. God’s  love gives us the energy to love in turn. Since we are made for love, we each have a  purpose. 

The Journey exists to enable people to discover what this truth means for them.
The process aims to give people the space to test and then find their own way into this way of life. It takes what has happened in life to this point seriously.

We believe that by reflecting on our life-story we discover how God has been at work in our lives since before we were born, and also identify ways in which we, as unique people, are to respond to this. We discover the way in which God’s love for us can shape our relationships, inform our motives, and help us find deep happiness.  

How does it work?  
By allowing those involved to ask questions, to talk over issues, share insights and to learn about specific areas that interest them. This takes place within small groups.  

Why this way?  
We learn most effectively when we are seeking answers to questions that matter to us. 

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For more information please contact:
The Dean, Peter Catt, or phone 3835 2239