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For the month of May we will have an intentional focus on vocations.

God calls every baptised Christian to be a disciple with a vocation.

Vocations come in many shapes and sizes. A person can respond to many calls on their life.

Discerning and living out vocational expression in an ever changing landscape, as seasons come and go, and as we grow together in faith, is why we form community.

We celebrate the vocations of all our members and seek to make it possible for serving online to be an expression of God's call to us all to join in with the Holy Hermits Online mission.

More resources can be found: Vocations Menu — Anglican Church Southern Queensland (

A prayer:

Creator God,
you have made us for yourself,
and our hearts are restless
until they find their rest in you:
teach us to offer ourselves to your service,
that here we may have your peace,
and in the world to come
may see you face to face;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
A Prayer Book for Australia p.5

You have a vocation from God!

  • If you already know what it is, pray to be faithful.
  • If you are still searching, pray to hear God’s voice and to respond generously.

Are you thinking about your life’s direction?

All those seeking to explore vocation in its many and varied forms are welcome to join one of our Seekers events in 2025. You will hear from people in all walks and stages of vocational discernment, both lay and ordained. All are welcome to come, seek and maybe even find your next step on the journey!

Vocations Menu — Anglican Church Southern Queensland