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In 2024 HHO and Benedictus started conversations seeking to share the invitation to the contemplative way of being online and celebrate our ministries together in friendship.

Benedictus is an ecumenical Christian community with a practice of silent contemplative prayer at its heart.

We celebrate this new bond in the Season of Creation by joining Benedictus Evening Meditation each Friday (starting 6th Sep) and welcoming Rev'd Sarah Bachelard to worship on the 15th of September as our guest preacher.

As well as putting evening meditation in your calendar for Fridays in September, please pray for Sarah as she prepares the message and gets ready to join us at HHO for the first time along with members of Benedictus who come along too:

Lord Jesus, when you speak there is light and life. Please speak through our guest preachers, especially Sarah, as she offers her ministry gifts to our community. Holy Spirit, please inspire her in preparation and in delivering the sermon. Creator, make us ready to welcome her and hear your word spoken through her. We ask these things in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.