Our theme for 2024 is: Listening
The first session will focus on Anne Long’s book, Listening, described as a practical study of all the key aspects of listening - listening to myself, listening to others, listening to the world and listening to God.
Listening : Long, Anne: Amazon.com.au: Books
The online article: https://www.aloe.org.za/?p=598 gives some further details too.
The book is available for loan from the Roscoe Library, St. Francis Theological College, Milton which members of the Anglican Church Southern Qld are all members of.
Sign-up for links below or on the 3D Dialogue | Ministries page.
If I were asked how to find God, I would say, Learn to listen. Listen to the song of the universe in the call of birds, the rustle of trees, the crash and heave of the waves. Listen to the poetry of prayer, the music of the Psalms. Listen deeply to those you love and who love you. Listen to the words of God in the Torah and hear them speak to you. Listen to the debates of the Sages through the centuries as they tried to hear the texts’ intimations and inflections.
Don’t worry about how you or others look. The world of appearances is a false world of masks, disguises, and concealments. Listening is not easy. I confess I find it formidably hard. But listening alone bridges the abyss between soul and soul, self and other, I and the Divine.
“The first service one owes to others in a community involves listening to them. Just as our love for God begins with listening to God’s Word, the beginning of love for others is learning to listen to them.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer in Life Together