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"If you cannot go into the desert, you must nonetheless ‘make some desert’ in your life. Every now and then leave others and look for solitude to restore, in prolonged silence and prayer, the stuff of your soul. This is the meaning of desert in your spiritual life." - Carlo Carretto

Join Spiritual Director Dilys, Spiritual Direction Formation Student Susan and Rev'd Jamee for a morning of retreat.

We will be encouraged into stillness, be nourished by input and creative exercises and be together in solitude.

Jesus retreated to the Desert and awaits us there whenever we bring ourselves to the spiritual wilderness for the inner work to renew us. 

A nominal fee of $5.00 is helping us to value our commitment to our first online retreat as we gently enter this new ministry space. Our retreats will be one of our fundraisers for HHO so if you would like to make a further offering of thanksgiving and support for future retreats please feel welcome.

Please register using the button below so that you can recieve the pre-retreat pack and Zoom link for our gathering.

Register for Wilderness Retreat