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Check out our new psalm video on our YouTube Channel and give it a like!

Viki's reflection on Psalm 92:

"Psalm 92 speaks to me immediately when it opens with the invitation to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises. It goes on to remind me to always strive to be grateful and to celebrate both life and creation. It encourages declarations of love on a daily basis and to sing faithfully. How awesome to be inspired to practice faith with gladness and joy, safe in the knowledge that the Lord is just and is 'my rock'. When I think about sharing God with others through my actions as well as words, it's wonderful to remember this uplifting Psalm, a mini mud map to being a Christian."

If you would like to have a go at reading your favourite Psalm - get in touch! (Reader Project)

The artwork featured in the video was created using Padlet as part of our Digital Faith Artists ministry.