It is with deep gratitude for the Whatsapp groups we have used in the interim while building our HHO app, that we now discern it is time to release these as formal HHO ministry spaces and fully embrace our HHO app as our primary 'between' space.
It is so important that we do beginnings and endings well as a community, and so we intentionally mark this moment in our growth with gratitude for what these groups have been and meant to us. It is clear that God has used these spaces to keep us connected between gatherings as we grew to where we find ourselves now with our very own app (download here).
We will also acknowledge the end of this ministry at worship on the 19th of March with special prayers during our Refreshement Sunday celebrations. The HHO Whatsapp groups will then be decommissioned and deleted following worship.
Please do spend some time making sure that you are feeling confident with the HHO app - especially the prayer wall. Tutorials are available for how to download, navigate and use the app and prayer wall: New Video Tutorials! | Holy Hermits Online.
A prayer to aid us in letting go and remaining open for what God invites us to next:
God of the journey, remind us that in letting go we open to new experiences and adventures. Help us to trust that you are our companion, guiding and inspiring us on new routes, and challenging us to grow amid change.Amen.